Use "former soviet union|former soviet union" in a sentence

1. 3 Zhukov was a marshal of the former Soviet Union.

2. 21 Zhukov was a marshal of the former Soviet Union.

3. In the former Soviet Union, corruption scandals can spark usurpation.

4. 1 Zhukov was a marshal of the former Soviet Union.

5. Immigrants from the former Soviet Union constitute 25% of Haifa's population.

6. 15 In our time, something similar occurred in the former Soviet Union.

7. Eastern Europe ( Former Soviet Union ), Indian subcontinent, Africa, North Korea, and Mongolia.

8. 22 Turkey and Greece were buffer states against the former Soviet Union.

9. Former troops of the Soviet Union also offered their services to either side.

10. Moldova has accepted all relevant arms control obligations of the former Soviet Union.

11. The term is not generally used outside the former Soviet Union (see Eastern Front).

12. 4 at Chernobyl's Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Nuclear Power Station in the former Soviet Union.

13. 10 The Iron Curtain came down with the fall of the former Soviet Union.

14. • In December 1998, two Witnesses met a retired army officer of the former Soviet Union.

15. 3 These planes are outclassed by the most recent designs from the former Soviet Union.

16. 5 The US and the former Soviet Union were co-signatories of/to the treaty.

17. 26 These planes are outclassed by the most recent designs from the former Soviet Union.

18. It was the first area to be designated a national park of the former Soviet Union.

19. The drivers had to watch out for robbers along the roads in the former Soviet Union.

20. Train links connect many towns in Uzbekistan, as well as neighboring former republics of the Soviet Union.

21. The former Soviet Union had started to withdraw its warships and aircraft from Cam Ran in 19

22. Commie bastard A derogatory reference to communism, specifically to the Cold War and the (former) Soviet Union.

23. With the collapse of the former Soviet Union, the possibility of a nuclear holocaust was greatly reduced.

24. 25 The former Soviet Union was the world's biggest tea drinker in 19 taking over 2000 tonnes.

25. 20 With the collapse of the former Soviet Union, the possibility of a nuclear holocaust was greatly reduced.

26. In the former Soviet Union, the KGB was used to intimidate those who disagreed with the Communist Party.

27. Along the boundary between China and the former Soviet Union there is a long river basin called Heilongjiang (Amur).

28. Arad's population grew significantly with the Aliyah from the former Soviet Union and peaked in 2002 at 24,500 residents.

29. A British woman is waiting to hear how she can reclaim a family estate inside the former Soviet Union.

30. He defects to the Soviet Union.

31. This was the first Gordon Bennett race where balloons could travel over the airspace of the former Soviet Union.

32. Robert Conquest on the Soviet Union.

33. In 1988 the Soviet Union passed a law which allowed formation of former hosts and the creation of new ones.

34. Thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the former Soviet Union —entire families— were rounded up, loaded into boxcars, and exiled to Siberia.

35. The arrangement ended on 1 January when the Soviet Union ceased trading with its former allies on a convertible rouble basis.

36. 1945 – The Soviet Union recognizes the new pro-Soviet government of Poland.

37. An exchange student from the Soviet Union.

38. Azerbaijani players previously represented the Soviet Union.

39. The Soviet Union fell apart in 19

40. That arrangement collapsed with the Soviet Union.

41. Relations with the Soviet Union were normalized.

42. Not until July 26, 1988 did the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR reinstate Kuznetsov to his former rank of Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union.

43. The Sukhoi Su-26 is a single-seater aerobatic aircraft from the former Soviet Union, powered by a single radial reciprocating engine.

44. Albanian studies in the Soviet Union and Russia

45. The Soviet Union was originally founded on Socialism.

46. Nazi Gemany levied war upon the Soviet Union.

47. However, due to the Sino-Soviet split, the Soviet Union withdrew its technical assistance.

48. Three Soviet pilots were killed and the Soviet Union was alarmed by the losses.

49. Among former Warsaw Pact countries, the majority of Russians and Ukrainians said the break up of the Soviet Union was a bad thing.

50. The Treaty on the Creation of the USSR officially created the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), commonly known as the Soviet Union.

51. The Soviet Union began to break up in 19

52. 7 Nazi Gemany levied war upon the Soviet Union.

53. And the Soviet Union regularly engaged in Bilateral arms …

54. World War II and Soviet Union: marginalisation of Livonian.

55. 15 The regime was subservient to the Soviet Union.

56. KGB ( Soviet Union Committee for State Security ) is founded.

57. Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact between Germany and the Soviet Union.

58. The Soviet Army allowed these "People's Committees" (which were friendly to the Soviet Union) to function.

59. The Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic was one of fifteen constituent republics of the Soviet Union (USSR)

60. The Soviet Union Pattern put forward by Deng Xiaoping refers to the specific systems and institutions in the process of building Socialism by Soviet Union.

61. From 1945 to 1992, Estonian players represented the Soviet Union.

62. The Soviet Union and Vietnam officially denied any presence there.

63. 1941: The June Uprising against the Soviet Union in Lithuania.

64. The Soviet Union could soon choose to follow these precedents.

65. 11 The Soviet Union began to break up in 19

66. *Cheka* First secret police [1] of the Soviet Union [2]

67. The relationship between Finland and the Soviet Union was tense.

68. The collapse of the Soviet Union had left people disillusioned.

69. The Gold Star is the highest state decoration in the Soviet Union and several post-Soviet states.

70. From Rome as much as 188 tons of food were sent in two big truck convoys across Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland to the former Soviet Union.

71. By the end of 1992, most remnants of the Soviet Army in former Soviet Republics had disbanded.

72. This former Soviet republic officially lists the warheads as “missing.”

73. Economic relations between the former Soviet republics were severely compromised.

74. The demise of the Soviet Union a decade and a half later ended the threat of Soviet militarism.

75. 17 The Soviet Union was suddenly revealed as a paper tiger.

76. Andropov, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

77. Ukraine's referendum is finalized and Ukraine officially leaves the Soviet Union.

78. Many attained the highest honor of Hero of the Soviet Union.

79. Unofficially, Comintern became the perfect espionage vehicle for the Soviet Union

80. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Cossacks made a